Blue Silver Foxes
There is currently one Certificates of Development held for other varieties of the Silver Fox; blue. The Blue variety,unfortunately, became such a rare color that it was dropped from ARBA's Standard of Perfection some years ago. Father-daughter team Rebecca & Chris Lilly hold the current COD for blues. The Blue COD has passed the national club vote and their first showing will be at convention 2024. Look for blues to be presented to the club at convention or Sf nationals before then.

Below you will find the Working Standards for the Blue variety:
Certificate of Development - Blue
Certificate of Development - Blue
Surface color is to be a uniform medium-rich blue extending as far down the hair shaft as possible to a slate blue under color.
Eyes: Blue Gray.
Faults: Brownish or other tinges; too light of an under color bordering on light gray.
Disqualification: White undercolor or white toenails